Wednesday, January 24, 2007

1-17-07 - 12 Photos

Hey, my name is Justin, and I'm currently enrolled in Digital Photography at Southwest Minnesota State University. It was suggested in the class that we start a photoblog to document the photos that we take during the course of the semester... so... here it is.

As of right now, I use an HP Photosmart 435 Camera - a whopping 3.1 megapixels on this baby. I plan on getting a new camera in the very near future, but until then, that's what I'm dealing with. I use Kodak Rechargeable Digital Camera batteries, and as far as photo manipulation, I use Adobe Photoshop CS 2 - however, there won't btoo many manipulated photos being posted here.


This was actually taken a couple of weeks ago, when my roommates and I moved into our new house. They decided to do "carpet angels".

This is me and my lawn gnome, who goes by the name of "Larry". He'll probably be in more than one photo of mine this semester.

Oooh... bubble wrap.

My roommate Brian-Paco, taken while waiting for paninos at The Varsity Pub. Right before I snapped this, I told him he was dressed like the guitarist from AC-DC.

Me... asleep. Or at least looking like I'm asleep. I was really curious as to what I look like when I'm asleep, so I snapped this.

Another one where I'm lying in bed, but I used the "Night" setting on the camera, and it actually kind of gives a blurred-edge, "dream-like" quality to the picture. I like the effect, I'll just have to try it on something else.

My camera was kind of sitting on my desk by my mixer, and this shot came to mind. I really like it because it kind of looks like the knobs on my mixing board are all little people, hovering around a giant statue - that being the microphone.

The view from the window of our laundry area in the basement. It looks out from under our deck into the neighbor's yard.

This is shot on our back porch, aimed out over our garage, and into the early evening sky. I used flash on this one, and wasn't too pleased.

Also shot on our back porch - in the exact same spot, only panned over to the right just a bit. I didn't use flash on this one, and it turned out much better.

One of two shots of the stairs going up to our second floor. This one is with the flash on - looks all dark at the top of the stairs, even though the light is on up there. Also - it doesn't catch much of the detail of the carpet.

Just by turning off the flash, I got SUCH a different picture, from the exact same spot! The detail in the carpet comes way out, and it almost looks like you're just walking into a bath of light.

1 comment:

LeaBe. said...

I like the last one with the flash off it looks like the stairs go up instead of down. It made me think of a stair way to heaven (you know go towards the light.)